Call Center

What is a call center? It’s often the face of the company A call center is simply a location, often an office, that is used by organizations and businesses to interact with customers and clients over the phone. These offices are staffed by teams of trained personnel that make and take these calls.  There are…


CRM System

What is a CRM System? Employing software to boost productivity A CRM or Customer Relationship Management System is a piece of software that allows businesses and organizations to manage and track their relationship with customers and potential customers. It helps them to keep track of all customer data, including contact information, purchase history, and previous…



We Sell Solutions.. مع توفر العديد من حلول التحول الرقمي، يمكن أن يكون اختيار الخدمة المناسبة للمؤسسات بمختلف تخصصاتها… Posted by Altaqnya for Data and Communication on Tuesday, 5 November 2019
